Case Study - Regional Law Firm - Family Law Full website and email This law firm is in a very competitive space in the area – family law. The partner needed to create a website that could be engaging to customers referred to them as well as attractive to search...
Case Study - Criminal Law Firm Full website, email, managed services Back Office Geeks was engaged by this law firm to provide a website more optimized for their practice areas. They wanted to reduce the cost of maintaining the website, but also wanted to have a site...
Case Study - Brickyard Full website, email, managed services, desktop support Brickyard Building Materials had an outdated, 90’s style website. Back Office Geeks updated their website that catapulted them to the top search position for over a hundred industry...
Case Study - Concord Feed Full website, email, managed services Concord Feed is a fun place to shop. You get that old time feel when you walk in the door. They carry top quality brand pet foods and supplies, but it’s also one of the only places you can buy food...
Looking for a domain name? Most shoppers automatically assume that a .com name is the only type of name that they want. It is, after all, the most popular top-level domain (TLD). You might settle for a .net, .org, or, heavens forbid, a .biz. After that, what is there?...
It’s a typical practice to entrust your website, ecommerce site, blog, and social media pages to a person or firm. They know the technology. Let them drive. But that backfires when a disgruntled employee or a disgruntled contractor decides to withhold...